Unlimited PLUS!

Elevate your experience with UNLIMITED FREE Event tickets, expanded FREE private venue reservations, FREE OVERNIGHT BNB reservation, and VIP access, plus deep discounts on additional events and reservations and special perks as an Unlimited+ Member!

Membership Price $650.00 Buy Membership
  1. UNLIMITED FREE tickets: Unlimited+ members may attend UNLIMITED events per month for FREE (up to $25 value each).*
  2. Exclusive access: Unlimited+ members gain access to 2 FREE 2hr reservations (or one 4hr) per month ($100 value) for either the upper or lower venue areas, just pay the cleaning fee.**
  3. Overnight access: Unlimited+ members gain access to 1 FREE overnight BNB reservation per month (up to $585 value) including both floors, just pay the cleaning fee.***
  4. Discounts: Unlimited+ members are eligible for a 20% discount on all event tickets and venue reservations.
  5. Special Perks: Unlimited+ members may attend quarterly Mixer events for FREE, plus gain access to the VIP Cocktail Lounge ($50 value) and other exclusive benefits!*

* Free tickets benefit applies to tickets purchased by the member for member use only. Limit one free ticket (up to a maximum $25 value) per event per membership. Unused free tickets expire each month and do not accrue. 
** Reservation benefit applies to reservations placed by the member for member use only. Members may invite up to 4 additional guests during their reserved time with no additional charges. Unused hourly reservation benefits expire each month and do not accrue. 
*** Overnight BNB reservation applies to one night at weekday rate ($450/nt) or weekend rate ($585/nt) to reservations placed by the member for member use only. Members may invite up to 4 additional guests during their reserved time with no additional charges. Unused overnight benefits (up to 4 nights) may accrue, see TOC for details.


Men's social and networking group.